The current resources in Disney Mirrorverse are:
Orbs are the in-game currency. You can purchase Orbs in the store or collect them as rewards from crystals, quests, objectives, and milestones. Orbs may also be available for free in the Bazaar.
What Can I Do with Orbs?
You can exchange Orbs for crystals, consumables, or items in several of the in-game stores.
You will get Gold from Gold Mining supply runs, story quests, event rewards, daily login calendars, crystals, objectives, and milestones. Often you will find Gold available for purchase in the stores, too. Gold may also be available for free in the Bazaar.
What Can I Do with Gold?
Gold can be used to rank up your Guardians, level up their talents, and purchase some items in the Bazaar.
Motes come in two forms: universal and role-specific. These items can be obtained from quest and event rewards. Within those types, there are also three tiers of motes: minor, major, and superior.
Minor motes apply to Guardians between levels 1-20, major motes apply to those between levels 21-50, and superior motes apply to those between levels 51-100.
What Do I Do with Motes?
You can infuse a Guardian with motes in order to raise their level and make them stronger. Universal motes can be used on any Guardian, while role-specific motes can only be used on Guardians of the same role. For example, a Minor Support Mote can only be used on a Support Guardian between levels 1-20.
You can collect books as rewards from crystals or quests or by purchasing them from the Bazaar or alliance store. They are used to increase the level and strength of your Guardians’ talents.
How Can I Use Books?
Books are stored in the inventory and are one of the requirements needed to level up your Guardians’ talents. More information on using books can be found in our Books & Pages Guide.
You use energy to advance your progress on quest maps.
What Do I Do with Energy Recharges?
You will use energy every time you advance one node in a quest map. Some quests may require more energy per node. You recover energy over time automatically, but you can also restore your energy bar using energy recharges. You can get energy recharges from various rewards or purchase them with Orbs.
Gems can be obtained by completing the appropriate supply run quest. For example, the Diamond Gem Gathering quest will grant diamonds and diamond shards.
What Do I Do with Gems?
They are used to rank up your Guardians, giving them more room to grow even stronger.
There are different kinds of gems:
Universal Gem: Used as a requirement to upgrade Guardians at low ranks.
Role-Specific Gem: Used as a requirement to upgrade Guardians of a specific role: Support, Ranged, Melee, or Tank.
You will be able to create gems with gem shards that you can obtain from gem gathering quests or other rewards.
Crystals can be opened to obtain a variety of items or Guardians.
There are many ways to obtain crystals. Each type of crystal offers different rewards. Crystals may be purchased with Orbs, created by gathering enough crystal shards to form a full crystal, earned from completing objectives, claimed from daily login calendars, or gained from quest rewards.
Once you have obtained the prerequisite amount of crystal shards, you will be able to form a full shard crystal of that type. For example, collecting 1,000 Stellar Crystal Shards will earn you one Stellar Shard Crystal.