Supply-run quests allow you to gain Gold, motes, and gems to rank up your Guardians. You can gain access to these daily quests after you complete "Chapter 1, Encounter 8" on normal difficulty in story mode.
You may complete these quests multiple times in one day. The amount of times a quest may be completed is found beneath the quest icon and will indicate how many victories you can still attain from the quest for that day. Energy will be used each time you play a quest encounter. You have until the timer resets to complete the number of quest victories available to you, either manually or with the AUTO button. This limit will reset daily as indicated by the relevant timer.
Note: The ability to automatically play supply runs is only available after you have completed the encounter and earned all three stars for its objectives.
Supply Run Quest Types
There are three types of quests available to complete: gem gathering, Gold mining, and stellar training.
Diamond Gem Gathering Quest
These daily quests are available every day and provide you with diamonds and diamond shards.
Diamonds can be used to upgrade a Guardian to the next rank. Diamonds are the most commonly used gem, and they are often used in conjunction with role-specific gems.
Role-Specific Gem Gathering Quests
These quests have rotating availability and provide you with role-specific gems and gem shards of various kinds.
These gems correspond to one of the four roles: Melee, Ranged, Support, and Tank.
Rubies: Melee
Topazes: Ranged
Emeralds: Support
Sapphires: Tank
Gold Mining Quests
These daily quests are available every day and provide you with Gold that you can use to make purchases in the Bazaar, rank up Guardians, or level up Guardian talents.
Stellar Training Quests
The experience quests are staggered into tiers to earn the three types of motes: minor, major, and superior. You may play through the encounters every day for any of the four mote role designations. You may select between Melee, Tank, Ranged, and Support motes by tapping on the < and > arrow buttons within the STELLAR TRAINING panel on the SUPPLY RUNS screen. The further you progress through the encounters, the greater your rewards will be. Each new encounter can be unlocked by completing the encounter immediately preceding it.
Completion & Mastery
As with other quest types, daily quests have rewards for completing and mastering their maps. Be sure you check the quest objectives in order to meet the requirements to earn all of the quest stars on a map and reap the benefits of each individual quest. A quest is considered completed if you achieve victory. It is considered mastered when you have collected all of the objectives and earned all three quest stars. Once you have mastered a quest, you are able to auto-play it to collect the quest rewards without manually playing through the encounters again.
These rewards can be viewed by tapping the daily quest difficulty you would like to participate in. A panel will appear on the right side of the screen. You can scroll down to see details of possible rewards as well as necessary objectives needed to earn each quest star, possible enemies, and the amount of energy it costs to play through the quest.
Supply-run quests do not have difficulty levels, but each encounter will be more difficult than the previous one. You can unlock more challenging encounters by completing the immediately preceding encounter. Completing and mastering more challenging quests costs more energy, but will grant greater amounts of Gold and resources of a higher tier.
Regardless of which daily quests you have completed today, all daily quests will reset for you tomorrow.
Note: Once you have unlocked an encounter, it will remain unlocked for you.