Our drop rates are set in our back-end administration platform for the game. When you tap on your crystal and spin it on your device, you are actually spinning it in our servers. The item will be logged in our servers first, and then the information will be synchronized with your device to show you what you got in your crystal. This only takes a few seconds.
Due to lag or connection issues, the information may not be delivered instantly. Your spin may be slower on your device, landing near a result that is incorrect. When the device information synchronizes with the server again, the data updates and your spin lands on the final reward.
Open Crystal
When opening crystals, you may also use the OPEN button by tapping on the bottom-right of the screen. This button will automatically open up to 10 crystals that are currently in the crystal vault. This feature does not affect the drop rate, and the rewards will be yielded appropriately as if spun individually.
Which Items Display Drop Rates?
You will see the drop rates displayed for crystals purchased in the following stores or areas of the game:
- Glory or Loyalty Stores
- Crystal vault
- Special event-driven stores (e.g. Valor Store)
- Daily cards
- Crystals purchased with real money or Units (within the stores or as special promotions)
Where Will I Find This Information?
Within the game, when you go to any of the stores mentioned above to purchase a crystal, you will find an information icon.
When you tap on this icon, you will see the drop rates for the items within the crystal. The drop rates will be displayed as a percentage. Below is an example of how and where this information will be displayed:
Note: The icon might be also located in the upper-right corner of the item, and it would look like this:
We strongly believe in keeping The Contest fair for all of our players and as such:
- There are no specific drop rates for individuals.
- Drop rates are not affected by how much money is spent on the game.
- Specific Champions do not have a higher drop rate than any other Champion unless otherwise noted in the drop rates on the crystal.
More information needed? Read our Drop Rates in The Contest article and learn how drop rates work in the game!
Display Issue When Opening Multiple Crystals
When opening a large volume of crystals of the same type, they may appear to reward a much larger amount of items like energy refills, health potions, or catalysts than those crystals should. The crystals will reward the correct amount of these items, even though they are displaying the incorrect amount. Our technicians are aware of this display issue and are working to resolve this as soon as possible.