The Legends Program
How Does the Program Work?
The Legends Program rewards players that are the first to complete exceptionally difficult content with a Legend Summoner title. The title also comes with a unique flourish around the Summoner profile icon:
How the Title Is Earned
Legend titles are no longer given out from the one-shot Time Attacks, as of April 17, 2024. Below is the in-game message sent to players regarding this:
Greetings Summoner,
The "Time Attack" Legends Event Quest Legend Run is coming to an end starting in April. This means that April’s Event Quest “Change the Record” will be your last chance to take on this historic challenge. The top 100 Champions who 100% explore both Proven and Conqueror difficulty levels of the Event Quest between April 3 and April 17 will earn Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals and more importantly, the title of Legend! For those who are fast enough, all will now know of your status in the Battlerealm!