Champion universe tags are attached to each Champion to help categorize them in The Contest. There can be tags for a Champion’s physical attributes, the way they fight, and even which Super Hero or Super Villain team they are a part of.
Tags are denoted by the hashtag (#) symbol. Some examples of tags are "#Offensive: Damage Over Time," "#Robot," or "#Guardians Of The Galaxy."
Although many tags are used to identify the physical attributes of a Champion, some may:
- Interact with specific abilities
- For example, abilities that inflict poison do not affect Champions with the "#Robot" tag
- Be used to enter quests that require certain tags
There are two ways to view these tags.
The first is within your Champion's info menu.
- Tap the icon:
- A window will pop up, displaying the Champion’s attributes as well as the Champion tags:
The second method is in any pre-battle screen.
Scroll up on the health and attribute screen. From there, you will be able to view the tags of both your Champion and your opponent.