Players may experience an issue where they are unable to proceed through a quest map, due to an opponent's node icon blocking access to one or more nodes.
There are three methods players can use to get past the blockage on their map and progress through their quest:
- Keep Tapping: This method is what players typically will try. While it usually works, there are times when it does not.
- Zoom and Tap: This is another common workaround that players may try. Zooming in may allow the game to more accurately determine the player’s “tap intentions,” or where exactly they are tapping. If Keep Tapping does not work, Zoom and Tap will likely not work either.
- Boss Tap and Hide: This method almost always works but is not easily discovered. When you tap on a boss icon (any boss with linked nodes or the final map boss), all other opponent icons will be hidden. From there, the player can proceed to the next node without restriction.
Example: In this picture, we see that Spider-Man’s opponent icon is blocking almost all of the next node that the player needs to get to.
When we see the larger image of the map, we see that there are two boss nodes further on down the map. Tapping on either Ant-Man or Iron Patriot’s opponent icon will bring up details about their respective nodes. This action will cause Spider-Man’s opponent icon to disappear, allowing the player to tap the node just above his.
Should you still experience an issue after trying the methods listed above, please use the Submit a request link to contact Kabam Support, and we will do everything we can to assist you.