Alliance Invite Troubleshooting
Being a part of an alliance is one of the best ways to open up unique aspects of The Contest and challenge yourself and your friends to difficult (and rewarding) team quests and events. If you are looking to add members to your current alliance, this article is here to help!
If you are experiencing difficulty getting members to join your alliance, it may be that your alliance’s privacy settings are the cause. To check on those privacy settings, tap on the alliance’s main page in the game. If you are part of the alliance’s leadership, you can tap on the alliance note field, just above the LEAVE button (do not tap that!).
On the next page that comes up, you will see where you can edit your Alliance’s description. In the PRIVACY section, you will see the alliance’s current privacy settings.
By tapping the arrow buttons to the left or right of the PRIVACY section, you can change the way new members join your alliance.
Whichever privacy option you choose, be sure to tap the SAVE button prior to exiting that screen. And best of luck to you and your alliance in Marvel Contest of Champions!
Please ensure that your Alliance’s description does not contain any offensive language. Our profanity filters will flag any offensive content and will prevent you from being able to make any adjustments to your Alliance’s privacy settings.
If you have followed all the steps above and find that you are unable to change your Alliance’s privacy settings, please contact Kabam Support so that they can assist.