Mirrorverse Events
Events within the Mirrorverse are often timed opportunities to gain limited or valuable rewards. Events can provide multiple unique encounters and objectives for players to explore as well as exclusive stores.
Themed Events
Events are themed around particular Guardians and feature time-limited quests with a variety of prizes and challenges. The events can be found on the Mode Select screen by tapping the PLAY icon on the home screen. Three difficulties are available for these events: normal, hard, and expert. The current event will be displayed in color and show a timer that denotes how long the event will remain available. The upcoming event will be shown in grayscale and state when it will open.
Event Calendar
You can view all active calendars by tapping on the CALENDAR button on the left side of the home screen. The calendar associated with the month’s events will have a unique name (e.g. Pixar Time). Event-specific currency will be offered as a login reward on certain days. If you are unsure if the calendar you are viewing is for the monthly events, you can tap on the login reward icons and look for the event-specific currency to verify you are viewing the correct calendar. In addition to event-specific currency, there are other rewards available to claim from the event calendar for every day you log in.
Event Store
With a new monthly event, a uniquely named event store may become accessible. These event stores will only accept event-specific currencies associated with corresponding events in exchange for the items, Guardians, and event-specific crystals available for purchase. Your available event currency will be displayed at the top of your screen when viewing the event store's screen. You can also view how much event currency you have collected in the ITEMS section on the ARMORY screen.
After an event ends, the event store will remain active for approximately 24 hours so that you will have time to spend the currency. After the store has closed, all event currency will be converted to Gold.
Event Crystals
Monthly events may come with at least one type of special crystal that will only be available for the duration of the event. You can obtain these crystals by collecting crystal shards from the event as rewards or purchasing the crystals from the event store using the event currency. Often, these crystals will include any new Guardians being introduced to the game and sometimes include a higher chance of receiving that new Guardian as well.
Special Objectives and Event Objectives
Special objectives and event objectives are only available for the duration of the events they are associated with. They can be viewed by tapping on the objectives icon on the upper-right corner of the home screen and then tapping the SPECIAL tab or the EVENT tab on the OBJECTIVES screen. If you tap on an objective, you can see how many days you have left to complete it before it expires.
Some objectives can be achieved in any encounter, while others require you to play specific event encounters to complete them.
For example, the "WAAA-LLLL-EEEE" objective from the Chromastorm Crisis event required you to use 150 Support specials. You could have gotten credit for using these specials in story encounters, event encounters from the Chromastorm Crisis event, or encounters from another event, supply-run encounters, dungeon encounters, or tower encounters. Another objective, "The Light Unleashed" from the Chromastorm Crisis event, which required you to defeat 200 goons, could also be earned by defeating enemies in any play mode.
However, certain objectives may require you to play specific event quests to earn credit. For instance, during the Dawn of Hope event, players had to complete the A Frosty Unraveling or Hopeful Heroism event encounters to satisfy the requirements for particular objectives.
Some special objectives, such as "Spring Swamp Cleaning," could also require purchases in order to complete.
Campaign Events
Some available events are part of a campaign. An event of this type will have a special campaign event indicator on the EVENTS screen. Campaign events are organized with the league system and will utilize Daily League Points and Campaign League Points to establish ranks for participating players. Like other events, campaign events are available for a limited time and will give you access to special objectives and calendars. The higher that you rank in the Daily Leagues and Campaign Leagues, the more valuable your rewards will be.